Brave Little Toaster

BRAVE provides an alliance Jump Freighting service to its members. This document describes how to use the service and the rules for its use. Any questions? Ask in #hauling on Slack!

Service Area

The Brave Little Toaster Five electrical appliances suddenly feel dumped when their young master mysteriously disappears! The dejected toaster rounds up the vacuum cleaner, electric blanket, and bedside lamp and radio, and together, they set off for the big city in search of their beloved owner! فيلم مريدا Brave مدبلج. اكبر موقع لتحميل ومشاهدة المسلسلات والافلام الكرتون والانمي المدبلجة والمترجمة اونلاين mbc3 - كرتون نتورك - سبيستون - قناة ماجد - موقع ستارديما اونلاين. Halle Berry hit back at the 'foolish and ignorant' comments made by a since fired NY DJ who compared Black skin tones toaster settings: 'ALL Black women are beautiful and worthy'.

Brave Little Toaster Pdf

The BRAVE Freight Calculator lists the available systems as defined below.


BRAVE owned Fortizars, Keepstars, Sotiyos and Azbels in the Querious region

Catch, Impass

BRAVE Owned Keepstars

Coalition Staging

Coalition staging system Keepstars, Sotiyos, Azbels

We will service the previous Coalition staging systems for 1 month after staging has changed. After that, service to these systems will be dropped


Frequently used midpoints on routes may also be added if there is demand

Brave Little Toaster

High Security

Amarr VIII (Oris) - Emperor Family Academy

Badivefi VI - Moon 2 - Royal Khanid Navy Logistic Support


Contracts which don't comply with these rules are subject to cancellation and possible penalty fees. READ CAREFULLY

Source and Destination

Contracts MUST be from and to destinations described in the Service Area above. Contracts to unserviced locations will be rejected.

Expiration and Days to complete

All contracts MUST be set to 1 week expiration and 3 days to complete. This is to ensure issues outside the haulers control don't cause the contracts to expire/fail.

If you need quicker service, providing a bonus in your reward will almost always cause contracts to move quicker. Feel free to ask in #hauling, if someone will be making a trip in the near future

Assembled Containers and Ships

DO NOT INCLUDE ASSEMBLED CONTAINERS OR SHIPS IN YOUR CONTRACTS. Thanks to CCP, doing so requires our haulers to fly their contracting character to both endpoints to manually trade the courier contract to their hauler, something that at the very least takes a lot of time, and in some cases may be impossible.

Because this is such a pain, and because people do it way more often than they should given the big red letters on the BRAVE Freight Calculator, and because we frequently end up having to spend time arguing with people about this, we are now charging a 50,000,000 ISK penalty for wasting everyones time. The BRAVE Freight contractor will fail the contract, which will deposit the collateral into your account. They will then item exchange contract the courier contract contents back to you for the collateral + 50m ISK. You MUST accept this contract if you'd like to continue using the BRAVE Freight service.

Once you've accepted the item exchange contract, you can re-create your courier contract WITHOUT the assembled containers or ships.

Collateralizing Contracts

Correctly collateralizing your contracts protects the contents from being stolen and lets the hauler know how much risk they are taking on in accepting the contract. If a contract is not delivered, you will receive the collateral as compensation for your items.

Collateral MUST be set to at least the Jita Sell Evepraisal value of the contents, and it's suggested that you add 5-10% on top of that value to account for changes in value. You MUST include an Evepraisal link for the items in your courier contract description. For items that aren't correctly valued by Evepraisal, such as extremely rare items or researched BPO/BPC, you should do research in public contracts to try to correctly value them.


Use the BRAVE Freight Calculator to calculate the correct reward.


BRAVE Freight uses the below formula to calculate the hauling fee. This formula attempts to capture the haulers costs/risk and reward them appropriately while remaining affordable for the average line member and providing a timely service. If you are a regular high collateral importer, you should consider getting your own jump freighter and joining us.

(Light Years for route shown in BRAVE Freight Calculator * 11,000,000) + (5,000,000 ISK per jump) + (15,000,000 for each non-hub endpoint)

Two modifiers are then calculated, Volume and Collateral, and the above fee is multiplied by whichever modifier is higher

Volume Modifier

If both endpoints of the contract are hub systems, the volume modifier is calculated by dividing the contract volume by the Maximum Volume for a contract (320,000 m3). For non-hub endpoints, the modifier is 1. This potentially reduces the cost for shipping partial jump freighter loads between hub systems.

Collateral Modifier

The collateral modifier is calculated by dividing the contract collateral by the Recommended Maximum Collateral for a contract (6,000,000,000 ISK). This potentially reduces the cost for shipping partial jump freighter loads between hub systems. If the contract collateral is higher than the Recommended Maximum Collateral, it increase the fee linearly to account for the additional collateral risk to the hauler.

Hubs, Max Volume and the Recommended Max Collateral are defined on the BRAVE Freight Calculator


Brave Little Toaster Disney Plus

A Note on Calculator Max Values

Brave Little Toaster Characters

Our Maximum Volume is chosen based on the lowest common denominator of available volume in the jump freighters our pilots fly. This ensures any of our pilots can haul any contract. DO NOT GO ABOVE THE MAX VOLUME UNLESS YOU'VE SPOKEN WITH THE HAULER THAT WILL BE HAULING YOUR CONTRACT PRIOR TO CREATING IT.

Our Recommended Max Collateral is not a hard limit! BRAVE Freight haulers are expected to keep the Recommended Max Collateral ISK liquid, ensuring any of our pilots can haul any contract. You can put higher collateral on the contract, but it will cost you more, as per the above formula, and fewer pilots will be able to haul it, so it may take longer.

Penalty Fees

Be sure to read the Rules section to understand any penalties you may be assessed if you don't follow the rules

How do I setup a contract?

Go to Neocom / Business / Contracts and click onCreate Contract:
  • Availability: Private
  • Click next
  • Select: Brave Little Toaster. (The dot is important. Be sure you're assigning to the Brave Little Toaster. corp in Brave United)
  • Select station and items
  • Ship To: Supported station (use calculator)
  • Reward: See the Fees section above and the BRAVE Freight Calculator
  • Collateral: Set to at least the Evepraisal Jita Sell value of the contracted items. See the above section on Collateralizing Contracts
  • Days to complete: 3 days
  • Description: Include a link to an Evepraisal of the contents of your contract
  • Double check contract details

How do I join BRAVE Freight as a hauler?

You can apply to join Brave Freight here

This is based on opinion. Please don't list it on a work's trope example list.

Go To

Alas the day and woe is me! I tremble in such misery. As never flower knew before. If you must go, let me implore. One parting boon, one final gift: Be merciful as you are swift. And pluck me from my native ground Pluck me and take me where you’re bound.I cannot live without you here: Then let your bosom be my bier.

As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy.You Have Been Warned.

  • After the car, which the appliances believed to be the return of their beloved Master, drives by the cottage, a crushed Blanky shuffles upstairs and caresses his photo before bursting into tears. The ensuing fight between him and Kirby over the photo has some passing dialogue indicating that this isn't the first time it's happened.
    Kirby:He's not coming back, anyway!
  • The appliances (sans Kirby) moping when they learn when their cottage is being sold. Radio, true to his character, half-jokingly plays Taps, earning an icy glare from the Toaster, but once Blanky and Lampy start crying, it becomes apparent just how sad they all are about this.
  • Blanky takes the possibility that the appliances might never again see their Master, Rob, the hardest of any of his companions.
    Blanky: I don't want a new master! I want our Master!
  • A Narcissus falls in love with its reflection in the Toaster. After the Toaster rejects it, the flower wilts from heartbreak. Toaster even looks sadly over her shoulder as he walks back to her friends, accompanied by a particularly tragic orchestra swell in David Newman's score.
    • Notice that the flower is the same color and Blanky. When she sees the flower wilt from rejection, it's symbolic of what metaphorically happens to Blanky when anyone dismisses his feelings. Toaster realizes this, beginning his Character Development to treat Blanky nicer.
  • Lampy's highly convincing Disney Death by lightning. The camera lingers on his smoking, very dead-looking body for several moments until a fade to black occurs.
  • Despite it's catchy melody, 'Worthless,' as the title indicates, is easily the saddest song in the movie, with each car telling its respective story of how they eventually came to be just that.
    I can't take this kind of pressure
    I must confess one more dusty road would be just a road too long.
    • The convertible's verse sound like an accurate description of depression.
    I just can't, I just can't, I just can't seem to get started!
    Don't have a heart to live in the fast lane, all that is past and gone!
    • Which also sounds like a car with a dead battery.
    • The sports car lists all the places that he's been. He just never had a place he could call his own.
    • The old race car reflects on his run in the Indianapolis 500:
      I must confess, I'm impressed how I did it
      I wonder how close that I came?
    • The hearse provides another example.
      I took a man to a graveyard
      I beg your pardon it's quite hard enough just living with the stuff I have learned!
      • The wedding limo, who goes on the conveyer with him, has a depressing theory. Given the two go on the conveyor together, it's not uncommon to connect the two together, saying the wedding car crashed on the way and the hearse took the groom to his grave.
      • The limo's verse gets worse in one of two ways, depending on where you place the commas. The original lyrics are:
    He kept forgetting his loneliness letting his thoughts turn to home and we turned.
    • If you put the comma after 'forgetting', that means the man was too depressed to get married and turned around on his own. If you put the comma after 'loneliness', though, that meant the guy was looking forward to not being lonely, but never to the ceremony.
    • The truck sings this bit...
      I worked on a reservation
      Who would believe they would love me and leave on a bus back to old Santa Fe?
      Once in an Indian nation,
      I took the kids on the skids with a Hopi
      Who was happy to lie there and say
      'You're worthless.'
    • And then he just drives on to the conveyor belt, which shocks even the magnet!
    • Consider the fact that he seemed to still be in good working condition, and yet he ended up on the scrapheap anyway. Let it sink in — despite nothing being mechanically wrong with him he was thrown away because no one wanted him.
      • Even sadder when you realize that each car is meant to represent a different kind of person: an overworked blue-collar worker, a washed-up Valley Girl, an injured athlete, etc.
    • Karen Lee Schmidt's illustration of the appliances lying in a pile of scrap metal is almost as powerful as the song itself.
  • Before the above musical number, the appliances lament in the junkyard on how 'wonderful' Rob's new appliances are. Even RADIO sounds despondent for the first time here, compared to his usual dramatic (and somewhat comedic) demeanor.
    Blanky: I'm glad the Master has such good appliances.
    Radio: (near tears) Yeah, couldn't get any more modern.
  • The air conditioner resents the Master for abandoning him and the rest of the objects, but the last straw is Toaster and Kirby's remark that 'the Master never played with [him] 'cause [he's] stuck in a wall,' which result in him literally raging himself to death. One of his last lines before self-destructing is even 'I can't help it if the kid was too short to reach my dials!' Thankfully, the now-adult Master repairs him, then takes a minute to switch him on to bask in his cooling, when he comes to the cabin for the last time. The Air Conditioner even sheds Tears of Joy as he watches him leave.
  • Toaster's desperate calls for Blanky when Blanky is blown away in the thunderstorm.
  • While not as heart-wrenching, Rob is clearly sad that his family is giving up their beloved cottage. He's looking forward to having a nice romantic afternoon as he shares this personal nostalgia with his girlfriend, so one can imagine his heartbreak when his last memory of this place is seeing it a mess, thinking that someone broke in and stole his favorite appliances. And while Chris doesn't exactly give him much empathy at first, she still puts her arm around him to comfort him when they leave.
  • The appliances in Elmo's shop act scary, but it's heavily implied that they've gone insane from seeing each other be tortured and taken apart, so much so that they've lost all hope of escaping.
  • While 'It's a B-Movie' is mostly scary, there's one part that's really depressing. Our heroes are sitting on a chair, looking out the window as the sun sets and darkness falls over them. The instrumental becomes really haunting as well.
    There goes the sun
    Here comes the night
    Somebody turn on the light
    Somebody tell me that fate has been kind...
    • And then Elmo's appliances respond by wrapping their wires around the chair and pulling the heroes away from the window.
  • Kirby’s heart-wrenching tirade he gives to his companions at the waterfall, even after they revived him after he had a panic attack.
  • Blanky looking for someone to snuggle with, being shooed away by everyone, even Toaster, who mutters, 'Come on. I'm not The Master!' Blanky, completely dejected, finds a quiet spot, sighs, and curls himself to sleep. Ironically, the security blanket needs security.
  • While they lose a lot of sympathy because of their actions, the 'cutting-edge' appliances get the short of end of stick when one thinks about their situation. Their beloved 'Master' is preparing to go to college but instead of taking any of them with him, the Master prefers some 'pieces of junk' from the cottage he hasn't visited in years. Keep in mind that unlike with Toaster and the others who probably only saw the Master when he visited as a child, the newer appliances were probably there as he grew up.
    • When Rob comes back and is saddened by the missing Toaster and friends, his mother suggests taking Pugsy amongst the appliances to take with him. The lamp looks excited at the idea only to look heartbroken when Rob rejects it out of hand meaning his, and the other appliances, actions were for nothing.
    • As hilarious as it is for them to toast how 'cutting-edge' and 'advanced' they are, keep in mind that by the time this movie came out, most of them were already being phased out for being outdated or would be replaced with more advanced technology. Toaster and the rest are safe due to their Boring, but Practical designs, the Offscreen Karma the Cutting-Edges will face can leave a bitter taste in your mouth.
